We enhance the quality of life of vulnerable people

Early stress recognition with smart wearables and smart algorithms.

Our solution


The HUME measures stress and stress build-up and visualizes this in a clear dashboard. It delivers insights into the stress of peole around you. Through early warnings it allows you to respond before an escalation and prevent misunderstood behavior in a client. Understanding your own stress can also help prevent overload.

Our impact

Misunderstood behavior

People with dementia or intellectual disabilities sometimes exhibit misunderstood behavior. In many cases, this behavior is caused by stress. And stress is measurable. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to measure this behavior so escalations can be prevented? The HUME helps with this.


The sensors measure physiology which is converted into levels of stress through artificial intelligence data science models. In professions where stress levels are very high, our technology is a useful feedback tool. This helps you learn to act better under stressful conditions. Insight into your own stress level can also help prevent burnout.

Our mission

Mentech was founded to give vulnerable people with misunderstood behavior a voice. In collaboration with Severinus, a care organization for people with intellectual disabilities, we experienced that people with complex care needs are often unable to express their emotions. We want to change that with the help of innovative technology.

Care institutions


+31 402 094 110
Boschdijk 766, 5624 CL
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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