Successful implementation and expansion of HUME by our partners

29 January 2024


In 2023, our partners, including Lunet zorg, ORO, and Ipse de Brugge, achieved a milestone by integrating HUME into their care offerings. This initiative, aimed at the care paths for EVB, LVB, and Child, Youth and Family, started with four HUME kits and has been successfully expanded to ten systems in 2024 due to its success.


The implementation of HUME within this consortium has led to remarkable results, including a significant reduction in signaling behavior among clients. This success underscores the value of HUME in providing personalized care by enabling early stress detection and facilitating adjustments in care provision based on objective data.


Practical applications and changes

Thanks to the insights gained from HUME, our partners have been able to make significant adjustments to the daily routines of clients. These include reorganizing meal times, providing individual attention at critical moments, and using tools such as timers to improve day structure. All these measures aim to reduce stress and enhance the quality of life.


The consortium plans to continue and further expand the use of HUME within different care paths. There are plans to structurally integrate HUME into the care offerings, with new initiatives such as a pilot with Psychomotor Therapy (PMT) being explored in 2024.


Giving clients a voice

HUME has played a crucial role in giving a voice to clients who are unable to express their well-being and stress levels themselves. By detecting subtle physical changes, HUME enables care providers to intervene proactively and optimize care provision.


We look forward to continuing our collaboration with care providers and further supporting the implementation of HUME, to continuously improve and innovate care for people with disabilities.


See also: